Meeting up for cake

Aaaaaand she's back.  Sorry it's been a while, but stuff, and life, and stuff.  Busy.  The normal.  I bought some really cool Hufflepuff merch while on break, though.  My first Potter merch!!!  :D
Okay, sorry, I'll get started.  My mom gave me the idea for the setting of this one, and I actually came up with a pretty cool idea for settings, so it should be fun to see what I come up with next.  :3

“Did you just drug my cake?”
She froze.  “Uh…no.  I was just…looking at that guy over there.”  Leaning back awkwardly, she pointed to the man.  “He’s hot!”
The guy she was talking about chose that moment to turn around.  He had been looking at the options on the fast food restaurant’s menu, and was finding nothing to his satisfaction.  He sighed as he swiveled on his heel and chose the next fast food joint in the mall food court.
Meanwhile, both the woman and her companion stared at the boy.  The woman knew that even her brother would know that he was very, very not hot.  Her neck began to redden.  
Brayden, for that was her brother’s name, raised an eyebrow at her.  “We must be looking at different people.”  He knew his sister was a little out of practice, especially at assassination attempts, but the very fact that she had attempted to kill him in a food court?  Where they had met because she wanted to “catch up?”  Brayden shook his head.  It was ridiculous.
Brooklyn was mentally pounding herself on the head.  She looked down, trying to seem repentant.  “Okay, maybe I was drugging your cake.  Or maybe I was scooping a little bit of icing off of it because I secretly wanted chocolate and not strawberry cake.  Or maybe I was looking at the cashier over there who’s flirting with her customer.  Or--”
“Just shut up.”  Pushing away his piece of cake, Brayden leaned back in his chair and folded his arms.  “So what did you really want by having us meet?”
Brooklyn knew that soon he’d figure out something was up.  She sighed and pushed away her own cake.  A man three tables over glanced to see the two whole uneaten pieces and was saddened at the waste of good cake.  “The…my work needs you,” Brooklyn said carefully.  “I know you’re thinking that I might have tried to assassinate you, but you’re wrong.  That was a sleeping drug that I slipped into your cake.”
“How original.  And how had you planned on getting my deadweight out of the middle of a mall food court without arising suspicion?”
Shifting uncomfortably, Brooklyn frowned.  “I’m not sure.  Agen--I mean, my boss just told me to meet and drug you.”  She shrugged.  “I’m told not to ask questions.”
“But don’t you ever wonder what they’re hiding?” asked Brayden.  “Don’t you ever want to know why they make us do the things we do?”
Brayden almost puked at her sheer innocence.  He inwardly rolled his eyes.  What a way to get captured by the system.  “They’ve already polluted your mind.”  He stood up, pushing his chair behind him.  “Bring your boss to meet me and I’ll consider the offer.  I’ll consider it even more if you buy me another piece of cake to make up for the drugged one.”
“Fine.”  Brooklyn stood up as well.  “I miss you, you know.  You should really come back to…work.”
“Shut up and buy me cake.  Save the sentimentality for later.”  Brayden punched her in the shoulder, his wedding ring jabbing her skin.  She didn’t mind.

After they had parted ways, the man who had noticed their uneaten cake snuck over to the empty table and grabbed both pieces.  He ate the strawberry one, saving the chocolate cake for last, as it was his favorite.  A few bites into the second piece, his head began to droop and he faceplanted into the icing.  No one noticed.
Ta da!!!
Tried more of a third person omniscient with this one.  I'm not very good at those.  It was fun to write again after a small break, though.
I hope I'll be seeing you soon!  Please comment!
~~Zoë Wingfeather

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