Christmas: Day 8

~ ~ On the eighth day of christmas my true love gave to me eight maids a-milking, seven swans a-swimming, six geese a-laying, five golden rings, four colly birds, three french hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree. ~ ~

     My love sent me a message on the eighth day, telling me to go to a farm in the country. I obliged, confused again. Everyone seemed to know something I didn’t. The owner of the farm smiled when I told him who I was. He led me to a barn, where eight women were milking cows. He then proceeded to tell me that I was their boss. I was astonished. I had no clue how to be the boss of anyone--I could barely take care of myself! With as much courtesy as I could muster, I declined responsibility for both the cows and the women. The man insisted, telling me that my love had specifically wanted to give them to me. Now I was thoroughly befuddled. I sat down on a milk jar and put my head in my hands. What was my love trying to do to me? As much as I loved him, I certainly couldn’t take much more of his shenanigans. The owner of the farm sat down beside me and gently told me I could allow the maids and cows to continue their work here. Grateful, I agreed, asking if I could be sent a gallon of milk a week. He assured me it would be done, and then told me the proceeds of the eight cow’s milk would be credited to my bank account as well. I sighed in relief. The money would help fund my bird seed, and maybe help me afford something other than Ramen noodles for my meals. When I returned home I gathered the eggs from the geese and sold them to my granola old lady neighbor. She was a willing customer and promised to buy more eggs whenever the geese layed. I twisted the ring on my finger, this time the ring with the purple stone, and wished my love would come home soon so I could talk to him about his ridiculous gift choices.

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